
05 05.2020

Cres Tower

  • By Crepsa
  • 11139

Cres Tower was a part of ramparts erected by the beginning of the 16th century, at the time of Venetian Republic.

The town was walled-in from all four sides, while the corners were marked by four circular towers, two on the landward and two on the seaward side.

The tower was situated at the highest point of ramparts and served as an observation post for enemies moving in from the interior of the island. It was built on bedrock from large hewn stones, like the ones used for building the walls. Its three-storey division was retained from the time of construction, although during the 20th century the tower was renovated several times. The function of its interior is unknown, but it is probable that the primary principal entrance was on today’s second floor, thus enabling direct access for the guards from the walls.

With the fall of the Venetian Republic in 1797 and the arrival of Austrian government, the defensive ring of the city was gradually torn down, because of the airing of the city area. Only this one defensive tower was retained, as well as the monumental town gate at today’s promenade. The walls were integrated into the town substance or served as building material for roads, palaces and the quay.

Today there remains only this tower as the sole witness of the town’s defensive line. It offers a unique view of old Cres roofs and the harbour, as well as the tamed nature around the town and numberless trees of everlasting olives.

  • #cres
  • #apartmani
  • #smjestaj
  • #otokcres
  • #plazenajadranu

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